LED Lion Dance for a Special Event – Bringing You Luck, Fortune, and Entertainments

You are new in Singapore and you have found how brilliant the place is. Just when you went outside to get some snacks, you have seen performers dancing Kung Fu-like actions to the beat of the drums. But what catches your attention is the lion mascot these performers bring up with each of their steps. You were amazed at what you have seen and later knew that this type of dance brings in luck and fortune to the audience, including you of course.

Some Asian countries whose tradition is shown by lion dances speak of wonders. This type of dance greets watchers while dancers prance to the beat of the drums. There are exceptional things about the performance and this includes how females show skill and dexterity in handling complex steps while holding the mascot in both hands. For some, this might only be an entertainment but for people who believe in what this mascot beholds, strong fortune is waiting in store for them. What’s more, female LED dancers makes the event more worthwhile, thus, making people see the great luck they are about to bump in.

It Is All About the Story

A lion dance is performed with highly-trained individuals. These are not mere dancers since these folks are holding exceptionality in their talents and skills. Also, when performing, they do not only do it to entertain viewers but also to offer luck and fortune. Incredible legends and myths are also displayed by their performances, in which, during New Year, the Chinese observe this great lion dance to re-establish relationships and to welcome new businesses or homes.

Color Meanings and Symbolic Costumes

In the lion dance, colors are in diverse kinds. Each of the hues provides different meaning as well. The gold or the multicolored lion speaks of the oldest and the wisest. As for the black lion, this is the youngest one which presents aggression and strength. For the red lion, this means luck which symbolizes prosperity and happiness. Also with the costumes, different meanings are settled with it. Costumes symbolize different shapes which all have their own stories to tell.

Lion Dancers and Their Dedication

Lion dancers are wholly dedicated to their work. This is how they do their tasks. No matter how hard new movements are, they always do everything to learn them. Though they may not get a perfect execution instantly because they are completely dedicated to practicing their talents and skills which makes them reach for perfection at the right time. Also, these are individuals who believe in themselves. They seek out opportunities, specifically crucial dance movements to make things right. They are exceptional and are highly disciplined.

Final Thoughts

Many believe what the lion offers. With the mascot, even if it is not used, it is prohibited to ride at its back or play with it as it shows rudeness. When choosing female LED dancers, it is important to know their best qualities first. Do not just observe their dancing skills but their characteristics as well.