1 bitcoin

As you can see Bit coin it’s the best money that exists. Now well, it must be emphasized that since our point of view it is not because it is fast or with low transaction rates. All this is very good, but it is better because it makes you free. Euros can also be digital and the workforce also maintains confidentiality, but this type of money is known as FIAT, and that’s the difference with Bit coin, Bit coin is not issued by a central entity that unites a policy and money by creating what is known as economic policies.

Meanwhile, Bit coin is growing at a level of millions of new users each month and, as you can see, this constant noise around Bit coin and its increase in users has not only one purpose, but several.

1 bitcoin

If you still do not know how the price of a bit coin is determined we recommend that you visit the chapter Bit2Me Bit coin Guide called: how much is a bit coin? How and who is the price determined?

High resistance to forgery

Until the date, 1 bitcoin  nobody could project solution, nor even theoretical and reasonable, to break the cryptographic mechanism which is under Bit coin. In addition, it uses encryption systems that are superior to the global financial infrastructure, and if it appears, its open and collaborative nature would solve it in a matter of hours, while banks, governments, many companies around the world will take months to resolve it. Then we leave you a comparison table of Bit coin with two types of traditional money: