btc wallet

Bit coin is digital currencies, unlike traditional currencies.  When the technology has improved much in everything, why not the money? Bit coins are introduced in order to keep our money safe and secured. Handling technology into digital currencies is technically strong and the private keys are used to access public bit coin address. A combination of user’s public and private key is all about bit coin transactions. There are different types of bit coin wallets maintained.

btc wallet

Paper wallet

It requires public key in which you are able to receive bit coins and private keys. When you add them in wallet you are able to transfer to other address without disturbances. These are represented in QR forms termed as bit coin paper wallet.  Print the bit coin address and use them through holographic labels.

Physical bit coin

This bit coin is loaded with particular cash into btc wallet. Private Key is the major element, only if the value is hidden you can use the amount. They look like a debit card. Crypto currency embedded chip is present inside the card, which access to btc wallet.

Mobile and desktop

These wallets cannot directly access bit coins. They retrieve information from ledger and keep them safe at the application provided. There are applications available to use for mobile communication. When there is no human involved in the transaction, people get sacred. But it is the best way of keeping your money safe. Software available for desktops to view the information of your ledger, they are accesses to bit coin address provided for every bit coin.