Hire light and gas

When choosing one of the dual energy tariffs (electricity and gas), we must have clear basic guidelines to avoid contracting services that we do not need. In this page we organize the types of services that we can hire in the energy marketers taking into account the powers, types of contracts and additional services that companies usually include.

Before hiring the electricity and gas tariff

If we are considering unifying the energy services in an invoice, we must be clear that only large marketers work with these combined. As a direct consequence, the options between which to choose the  electricity and gas tariff for our home is considerably reduced. In addition, in 2019 there is also no big difference between contracting light and gas together or separately , except in some very specific case.

In spite of this, if we want to try it, the smartest thing is to take the time to investigate what the marketers offer separately, since they move in somewhat complex numbers. So, let’s see what the system would look like in a brief infographic and then we’ll go into detail.

dual energy tariffs

Choose the light rate

To get the best TED electricity rate it is advisable to review the situation of the electricity market. Given the latest changes that have caused a remodeling in the way of pricing, this step has become important to find the best savings proposal. In addition, we must keep in mind some  basic points:

Type of contract:

in the current market there are few  basic models of electricity rates depending on the type of consumer we are. In addition, there are savings variations, such as time discrimination or social bonus (for those who have special circumstances).

As expected, the type of contract will also be related to the consumer model we are. So, for example, if we are a company we must go directly to the free market proposals; while individuals have a wider range.